Friday, 8 February 2013

How to Protect Your Hens from Hazard

Have you ever thought about How to Protect Your Hens from Hazard? You may found the solution for your problem because this article will help you on the problem mention above by build strong wall of coops, place your coops at bright area, make a portable chicken coops and build your coop at free area(far from tree). I hope you all will read this article until the end because this article contains useful information that easy to understand. Read this article until the end.

We will discuss the first point which is built a strong wall of coops. You need choose high quality of wood that will provide strong and long lasting wall for your coops. This material available at D.I.Y store but perhaps the cost will higher than normal one. So, don’t care about the cost, just think the great coops that you will build soon. Besides that, ventilation is necessary to let air in and out from your coops. Purchase chicken wire or mesh wire to make ventilation at your coops. Hence, build a strong wall of chicken coops and make ventilation from mesh wire is very important to ensure your hen live safely in the coops.

Next one is place your coops at bright area. If you notice that, usually predators like foxes and owls like to live in dark area such as bushes. It means that predators hate bright area. So you need provide lighting around your coops. Use fluorescent lamp is enough, no need spotlight. So, if your coops at bright area, the tendency predators to disturb or kill your hence is less. So, place your coops at bright area is very important because it can help your hens get rid of predators.

After that, we will discuss about make a portable chicken coops. Do you know what portable chicken coops are? Portable chicken coop is the coop that we can move the coop everywhere because of wheel placed under the coops. So, it means the coops are move able right? So it very helping us to protect our hens from hazards such as when we not at home we can move the coops inside our house to get rid of thief. Another examples, if we afraid of predators that will attack our hens, we can move the coops inside our house. So, build a portable chicken coops is the one of factor to protect our hens from hazards.

At the last point, builds coops at free area (far from tree).  Building coops at free area very important because if there has bad climate such as strong wind or hard rain, perhaps some tree will collapse and fell to our coops and hit our hens. So we need build the coops at free area to ensure your hen live safely.

As the conclusion, provide a protection to our hens is very important to ensure our hens live safely. By build a strong wall of coops, place your coops at bright area, make a portable chicken coop and build coops at free area is the ways to protect your hens from hazard. Thanks for reading this article until the ends. Comment below if you have something to share. 

Click Here To Know More About Hens Protection!!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Why Determine Chicken Coop Size And Build Strong Fence Important For Chicken Coop

How are you today? I hope you all fine. Today I want to share about how to make a chicken coops in one day. Build a chicken coop is not hard as you think. You only need a proper and good technique to build it. Determine the coops size and build a strong fence is the secret how to make a promising chicken coops. Make sure you all read this article until the ends. Enjoys!!

First of all, determine the size of coops. This part is very important to us when build a chicken coops. This is because, by knowing how many hens that you wish to keep, you can estimate the cost for buying materials and tools such as woods, nails, chicken wire and etc. If you wish to keep a lot of chickens, so you need to build a big one for your hens. Hence, you cost will be high. If you want keep small numbers of hens, so you need build a small one for your hens. So, you cost will be lower. So determine the number of chicken that we wish to keep is important because you can estimate how much cost for your materials and also you can know the size of your coops that you want to build soon.

Next, build a strong fence for your coops. Usually people build the fence from chicken wires. You can purchase it at D.I.Y store or at hardware shops. Make sure you choose high quality chicken wire that can withstand strong wind and hard rains. Build a fence also can protect you hens from predators such as fox. If you have some extra pocket money, build a high wall. You can choose to use concrete or woods. I prefer to choose woods because the cost is lower than concrete. So, build a strong fence can protect your hens from hazards such as strong wind and predators like fox.

Conclusion, determine the size of coop and build a strong fence will help you to build a promising coops. Build a chicken coops is not very hard, it very simple if you have a right technique. Comment below if you have something to shares.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Selecting Suitable Ground For Your Coops

Where there is land there is the worm

Hello world. Today we meet again to discuss about selecting suitable grounds for your coops. I prefer to choose soil or grass. The reason why i prefer to choose soil or grass is soil/grass can provide extra foods for your hens like worms. We know that there a lot of worms in the soil. In some country, they eat worms because worms can provide a lot of protein to our body. So selecting soil for your chicken coops grounds can provide an extra food for your hens which is worms. As I mention above, worms can provide protein to us, so it also can provide protein to your hens to ensure your hens stay healthy and produce quality eggs and meats. That is the information that I want share today. Comment below if you all have some extra information to share.

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