Friday, 8 February 2013
How to Protect Your Hens from Hazard
Have you ever thought about How to Protect Your Hens from Hazard? You may found the solution for your problem because this article will help you on the problem mention above by build strong wall of coops, place your coops at bright area, make a portable chicken coops and build your coop at free area(far from tree). I hope you all will read this article until the end because this article contains useful information that easy to understand. Read this article until the end.
We will discuss the first point which is built a strong wall of coops. You need choose high quality of wood that will provide strong and long lasting wall for your coops. This material available at D.I.Y store but perhaps the cost will higher than normal one. So, don’t care about the cost, just think the great coops that you will build soon. Besides that, ventilation is necessary to let air in and out from your coops. Purchase chicken wire or mesh wire to make ventilation at your coops. Hence, build a strong wall of chicken coops and make ventilation from mesh wire is very important to ensure your hen live safely in the coops.
Next one is place your coops at bright area. If you notice that, usually predators like foxes and owls like to live in dark area such as bushes. It means that predators hate bright area. So you need provide lighting around your coops. Use fluorescent lamp is enough, no need spotlight. So, if your coops at bright area, the tendency predators to disturb or kill your hence is less. So, place your coops at bright area is very important because it can help your hens get rid of predators.
After that, we will discuss about make a portable chicken coops. Do you know what portable chicken coops are? Portable chicken coop is the coop that we can move the coop everywhere because of wheel placed under the coops. So, it means the coops are move able right? So it very helping us to protect our hens from hazards such as when we not at home we can move the coops inside our house to get rid of thief. Another examples, if we afraid of predators that will attack our hens, we can move the coops inside our house. So, build a portable chicken coops is the one of factor to protect our hens from hazards.
At the last point, builds coops at free area (far from tree). Building coops at free area very important because if there has bad climate such as strong wind or hard rain, perhaps some tree will collapse and fell to our coops and hit our hens. So we need build the coops at free area to ensure your hen live safely.
As the conclusion, provide a protection to our hens is very important to ensure our hens live safely. By build a strong wall of coops, place your coops at bright area, make a portable chicken coop and build coops at free area is the ways to protect your hens from hazard. Thanks for reading this article until the ends. Comment below if you have something to share.
Click Here To Know More About Hens Protection!!
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Why Determine Chicken Coop Size And Build Strong Fence Important For Chicken Coop
How are you today? I hope you all fine. Today I want to
share about how to make a chicken coops in one day. Build a chicken coop is not
hard as you think. You only need a proper and good technique to build it.
Determine the coops size and build a strong fence is the secret how to make a promising
chicken coops. Make sure you all read this article until the ends. Enjoys!!
First of all, determine the size of coops. This part is very
important to us when build a chicken coops. This is because, by knowing how
many hens that you wish to keep, you can estimate the cost for buying materials
and tools such as woods, nails, chicken wire and etc. If you wish to keep a lot
of chickens, so you need to build a big one for your hens. Hence, you cost will
be high. If you want keep small numbers of hens, so you need build a small one
for your hens. So, you cost will be lower. So determine the number of chicken
that we wish to keep is important because you can estimate how much cost for
your materials and also you can know the size of your coops that you want to
build soon.
Next, build a strong fence for your coops. Usually people
build the fence from chicken wires. You can purchase it at D.I.Y store or at
hardware shops. Make sure you choose high quality chicken wire that can
withstand strong wind and hard rains. Build a fence also can protect you hens
from predators such as fox. If you have some extra pocket money, build a high
wall. You can choose to use concrete or woods. I prefer to choose woods because
the cost is lower than concrete. So, build a strong fence can protect your hens
from hazards such as strong wind and predators like fox.
Conclusion, determine the size of coop and build a strong
fence will help you to build a promising coops. Build a chicken coops is not
very hard, it very simple if you have a right technique. Comment below if you
have something to shares.
Monday, 4 February 2013
Selecting Suitable Ground For Your Coops
Where there is land there is the worm
Hello world. Today we meet again to discuss about selecting
suitable grounds for your coops. I prefer to choose soil or grass. The reason
why i prefer to choose soil or grass is soil/grass can provide extra foods for
your hens like worms. We know that there a lot of worms in the soil. In some
country, they eat worms because worms can provide a lot of protein to our body.
So selecting soil for your chicken coops grounds can provide an extra food for
your hens which is worms. As I mention above, worms can provide protein to us,
so it also can provide protein to your hens to ensure your hens stay healthy
and produce quality eggs and meats. That is the information that I want share
today. Comment below if you all have some extra information to share.
Click Here To Know More!!
Click Here To Know More!!
Thursday, 31 January 2013
3 Reason Why Ventilation Is very Important While Build A Chicken Coops
Hello everybody. Today I want share about 3 reason why
ventilation is very important structure while we building a chicken coops. The
3 points that I will discuss is remove dampness, remove ammonia fumes and
ensure coop in normal temperature. I hope you all read this article until the
end. Comment below if you have something to share. Enjoy!
Coop Ventilation |
First of all, we will discuss about ventilation will removes
dampness and humidity. For your information, while we breath, we produce a lot
of water vapour. Same like chicken, they breath and produce water vapours. So,
if we not provide a ventilation for the coop, the humidity levels in coop will
increase. Research find that, if we live in high humidity levels room or
something space, we will face susceptible to respiratory diseases and increases
the chance of frostbite. So we need provide a ventilation for chicken coop, to
avoid our hens get the diseases. Therefore, ventilation is important because
the can stable humidity levels in coops and avoid our hens get respiratory
disease and frostbite.
Next, we will discuss about ventilation can removes ammonia
fumes. Ammonia gas usually extracts from poo ( chicken poo). We know that,
there a lot of chicken poo in the coop so the ammonia gas levels will increase right?
Ammonia gas is very hazardous. It can cause subclinical damage to the tissue of
the chicken. In addition, the ammonia gas also dangerous to human because it
can damages our lung tissues. So, ventilation
is needed because they can remove ammonia gas to avoid it damages the tissues
of our chicken and also human’s lung tissues.
Fully Ventilated Coop |
Finally, we will discuss that ventilation will ensure coop
in normal temperature. Like human, chicken also need a normal temperature which
is 35 degree celcius to survive. Chicken bodies perform at maximum at that
temperature which is 35 degree celcius. And if too hot, hens may die in the coop.
So ventilation is needed to let air movement in and out from the coop to ensure
the coop temperature stay at normal levels. Therefore, providing ventilation is
necessary to ensure coops temperature stay at normal levels which is 35 degree
As the conclusion, this 3 point is clearly tell us why
chicken coops ventilation is very important. Remove dampness, remove ammonia
fumes and ensure coop in normal temperature is the point we must think while we
want to build a chicken coops. That’s all for today. Comment below if you have
something to share or to correct my mistakes.
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
3 Steps For Beginner When Building Chicken Coops
Thank you for approaching this article. Consider you are
lucky because have a chance to read this article. This article will tell you 3
simple steps for beginners when building chicken coops. Providing light source,
build coop ventilation and placed waters and chicken feeders are the points
that we will discuss in this articles. Make sure you reading this article until
the end to ensure you understand on how to build chicken coops.
We start with first point which is, providing light source.
Providing light source in chicken coops is very important. Because by providing
light source, it can warmth your hens during night and also winter seasons. In
addition, you must install the chicken coops windows opposite to the sunlight
to ensure your chicken coops receives sufficient heat all day to keep the coops
warms and dry. Therefore, providing light source is very important to provide
enough warms for your coops to keep your coops warms and to ensure your hen healthy
and provide a good quality of egg and meat.
Coop Ventilation |
Next, build coop ventilation. Coop ventilation is one of the
most important parts when building a chicken coops. Ventilation is the part of
your coop that enable air flow in and out from your coops. By building a
ventilation, it can remove all the unwanted excessive moisture and carbon
dioxide . Besides that, ventilation also can remove ammonia gas from coops that
will causes disease to your hens. So, building ventilation is needed to remove
excessive moisture, carbon dioxide and also ammonia to keep your hens healthy.
After that, placed wateres and chicken feeders a right
position. You must place the chicken feeders at the height of the chicken’s
back to ensure the chicken not remove their faeces on the food. Disgusting
right? Build the chicken feeders at height of chicken back’s will solve this
problem. By placed chicken feeders at height of chicken back’s, the chicken
will stretch their necks up to eat but won’t reach the feeders with their
feets. So placed chicken feeders and waters at right position is also very
important thing when you build a chicken
As the conclusion, by following this step, I guarantee 99%
that you can build a great chicken coops. Just providing a light source, build coop ventilation and also placed
waters and chicken feeders at right position will help you to build a great and
wonderful chicken coops. Thanks for reading this article. Comment below if you
have something to share.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Planning Before You Start Build Your Own Chicken Coops
You are here because you are seeking about how to build a
chicken coops. Todays, I want to share to you all for free, no charge about
planning before build your chicken coops. Every activity need planning before
we started it right? So planning for chicken coop is also important before you
start to build it. Determine the size of coop, determine site for coops and
portable or permanent chicken coop is several factor that we must give more
attention before we start to build
chicken coops.
Planning Is The Key Of Success |
In the beginning, we will discuss about determine the size
of coops. Size of coop depend on how many hens you want to breed. If many, so
you chicken coop must big and if small numbers of chicken you want to breed, so
you need the small one. Therefore, determine the size of coop is very important
before you start to build a chicken coops.
Next, determine site of your coops. Usually site for chicken
coop we have to choice is high place and low place. Normally people choose high
place because, if there has an extreme climates like flood, you can protect your coop from the hazards. But you also can choose at lower place. It
depends on yourself. Choice high place or low place. Therefore, determine site
of coop is one of the important planning before we start to build chicken
After that, build portable or permanent coops. Portable coops
means that your coops is moveable. We can put a small wheel below the coops. The advantages of
portable coop is you can move your chicken coop inside your house when you not
at home. If you choose to build the permanent one, the coop will static, you
cannot move it unless you destroy it first and build a new one. So, portable or
permanent coop is one of the planning before we start to build the chicken
As the conclusion, planning is very important before we
start something, without planning, the works will not accomplished. Determine
the size of coop, determine the site of coops and build a permanent or portable
chicken coop is the plan that you must consider before you build your chicken
coops. Thanks for reading this article. Comment below if you have some
brilliant idea to shares.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Make Your Chicken Coop By Yourself
You are here because you are seeking information about how
to build chicken coops. Build chicken coop need a self-skill. You dont need to attend
courses. Just google it. Today i want
share about how to build chicken coops by provide warms temperature, get a
chicken coop building guide, and coop should be roofed. By following my method,
i think you can build a wonderful and great design by your own.
First point will go to provide warms temperature for your
hens. It is to ensure your hens have a pristine healths and also produce
wholesome eggs. In addition, warms temperature will make your hens feel
comfortable when they inside coop and also to ensure your hens stay healthy and
far from diseases. So, provide a warms temperature for your hens will make your
hens stay healthy.
Next, get a chicken coop builds guide. Guide i means here is
a video or some article that tell you step by step on how to build chicken
coop. In addition, you can get the guide such as video on YOUTUBE or DAILYMOTION
for free. No need Cash. If you have some bucks, buy a guide book. Usually guide
book that sell on internet in PDF format. You can print out the guide and refer
to it. In guide book it will show a picture or something illustrated step to
build chicken coop. It will make your work easier. So, get a chicken coop
builds guide will make sure your work easier.
After that, your chicken coop must be roofed. This is
because it can protect your hen from extreme climates such as rain, hurricane
and etc. Besides that, roofed your chicken coop also protect your hens from
predators like a fox. So, roof very
important for your coop because it will protect your hens from hazards.
In conclusion , build a chicken coop is not very hard as you
think. Build chicken coop is very easy if you has a right guide. By provide
warms temperature , get a chicken coop building guides and roofed your chicken
coop is one of the ways on how to build
chicken coop. Thanks for reading this article. Comment below if you have some
information to share.
Friday, 18 January 2013
How To Design Your Chicken Coop
Looking for information like how to design your chicken coop
is not very hard at this time. Almost people involve in rearing chicken
activity failed at the end because their chicken coop is not well-designed. So,
you all are lucky because I will share information about how to design chicken
coops. This article contain 3 main points which is determine position of your
chicken coop, types of chicken that you want to rear and lastly provide
lightning in your chicken coops. I hope you all read this article until the end
to ensure you can design your chicken coop with proper technique. Keep reading
Portable Chicken Coops |
On the very beginning, we will discuss about determine the
position of the chicken coops. Make sure you place your chicken coop in high
area. This is because, if there has rain and cause a flood, at high position,
you coop will be saver than low area. At the same time you can reduce
maintanence cost for your coops. Then, you also need build your chicken coop
opposite with the sunlights. The reason to construct your chicken coop opposite
with sunlight is, your coop will dry fastly if in wet condition because of the
rain. In addition, you can keep your chicken warms and healthy. Therefore,
choose a proper position of chicken coop will save your maintanence cost of
your chicken coops.
After that, we will discuss about types of chicken that we
want breeds. There is 2 types of chicken which is layer breed and table breeds.
Layer breed is type of chicken that produce more eggs but table breed is type
of chicken that produce more meats than eggs. If you want layer breeds,
you must provide nesting boxes for them
to easily the chicken lays their eggs. If you want table breeds, you must
supply more food for them and it means you must construct more food place to
your chicken. We must provide quality and nutriniuos food for your table breeds
to ensure their produce quality meat for us. Therefore, types of chicken that
we choose is one of the factor to design your chicken coops.
Next, provide
well-lightning for your chicken. Chicken like in well-lighted condition. Light
bulb also produce heat and at the same time it can keep your chicken warms.
Besides that, chicken need heats to ensure they lay their eggs with comforts.
So provide lightning in chicken coop is one of the main factor of design your
chicken coops.
Lastly, design a good chicken coop will affect your money at
the end. If your chicken coop is mot well-design, your maintanence cost will
increase if there has damage at your chicken coop. So, a good designation is
important for your chicken coops. Choose a good position for chicken coop,
types of chicken that we want breed and provide lightning in your chicken coop
is the several factor that you must consider in building a chicken coops.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Materials That Need For Building Chicken Coop
Here is exactly what you need to know about materials that
need for building chicken coop. You need to choose a good material to ensure
your coop long lasting in fact there has bad weather condition such as thunder,
hurricane and so on. Build a chicken coop with disinfecting materials, use
water-resistant wood, build with wood and chicken wire(mesh wire) are the
materials that you need to build a great coop for your chicken.
As my first point is build a chicken coop with disinfecting
materials. What is disinfecting materials? Disinfecting materials are materials
that is can prevent breeding germs. As you know, tendency of breeding germs
in coop is very high because hen faeces everywhere at the coops. So, it will
easy breeding germs and maybe it will infect your hens cause a diseases and
perhaps your hen will die or cannot produce a quality eggs or meats. Therefore,
build chicken coop with disinfecting materials are very important.
Then my second points is use wood and chicken wire (mesh wire) to construct chicken coop. As we know, wood is the main materials for building
something such as home, hut and many more. So you need to choose the quality
wood to ensure your chicken coop long lasting as I said in the introduction of
this article. Chicken wire ( mesh wire ) also is the important materials in
construct a good chicken coop. This
material is easily you can get at local hardware store or D.I.Y. You also can
purchase the chicken wire and wood on internet because nowadays peoples prefer
online shopping because it can save our money and energy. So, wood and chicken
wire are also the important materials for build a chicken coops.
Dog watching a flocks of chicken |
After that, my third point is build your chicken coop with
water-resistant woods. Perhaps you need double your investment in construct a
chicken coop using water-resistant wood because it price in market is high. But
you no need to think about the price, just think about quality coop that you
build soon, because if you using water-resistant wood and if there has bad weather condition , your coop
can withstand the weather conditions and tendency your coop to damage is low.
So you can reduce maintanence cost for your coops. So, using water-resistant
wood is one of the material that you can choose for construct your own chicken
coop because it can reduce your maintanence cost.
As the conclusion, using disinfecting materials, use wood
and chicken wire and choose water-resistant wood is a good choice of materials
when you construct a chicken coops. So now it is your own business to choose
what materials you want use. Choose cheap materials but high maintanence cost
or expensive materials with low maintanence cost? Think about it carefully.
Thank you for reading my article until the end.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
How To Build Chicken Coops For Dummies
Chicken In A Coop |
Looking for information like How To Build A Chicken Coop not
very hard at this time. Read on this article as it will tells you all about How
To Build A chicken coop by knowing the size of chicken coop, sketching the
design coop and know the material that needs.
On the very beginning, we will discuss about determine the
size of coop. This part is very important because by knowing the size of coop
that you will build, you can estimate how many chicken that you can rear. The
larger size of chicken coop, more chicken you can rear. If you choose wrong
size of chicken coop for instance, your chicken is too many but the size of you
coop is small. So it is not suitable right? Your chicken may die. Therefore, it
is important to determine the size of your chicken coop that you want.
Next, sketch the design coop. Sketch the design means your
draw a simple plan with a pencil to imagine what is the look of your coop , you
need give the dimensions for your coop, to make work easier later when you
build your coops. If you don’t sketch your design, I believe that you cannot
start build your chicken coops, because you dont know what is the shape of the coop. By
sketch your own design of chicken coop, you can choose what the shape you
want using your creativity that you have. So, this part which is sketch
your design is very important.
Then, determine the material that you need. After sketch the
design of coop, then you need to know what is the material that you will you
use . Plywood is the one example that you will use to build the coops. List the
material that you need carefully to avoid you not buy the wrong and unneeded
material. If you do that, your budget will increase and wasting your money.
Therefore, determine the material that you need is very important and you must
give more attention at this part to avoid you buying unneeded material.
As the conclusion, build a chicken coop is not hard as you
think. Just need a good and proper technique. Building your good chicken coop
will give your chicken comfortable and they can produce high quality eggs and
meat to you. By determine size of coop, sketch the design and choosing a good
material for coop will lead you produce a great coop. Thank you for reading
this article untit the end.
Still not satisfied with the info that I gave?? Click Here To Know More!!
Still not satisfied with the info that I gave?? Click Here To Know More!!
Friday, 11 January 2013
Easy Ways Build Chicken Coop
Thank you for approaching this article. I believe you
looking information regarding step to build chicken coop .In this article, there
mainly consists of 4 things that you really need to know which is location of
your coop, build natural drainage, keep your coop well ventilated and placed
coop in high area. After reading this article, you should be able to build
chicken coop very well.
Firstly, know location of your coop. This step is very important
because we want to know where the windows will be placed. Make sure your coop
windows can receive sunlight because sunlight can shine through windows and
give your hen warmth. Therefore, the best thing to do is to know where the
location of your coop.
Secondly, build natural drainage. By building natural
drainage, cleaning process it will be easy. Build small drain to flow your hen
faeces. This way to ensure your hen healthy and can produce high quality eggs.
So, make sure you build natural drainage for your chicken coop.
Third, keep your coop well ventilated. Always make sure your
chicken coop in dry position and avoid your chicken coop in moisture condition.
If the condition of your chicken coop is too moist, it can lead ammonia
accumulation and can cause your hen plagued with diseases. As a result, make sure
your chicken coop well ventilated.
Lastly, placed your
chicken coop in high area. When your chicken coop placed in high area, it can
protect your chicken from danger such as
predator like fox. It also can protect your chicken from flood. If you do this,
you can save your cost to buy new chicken. Therefore, it is good to placed coop
in high area.
Build a good coop will make your hen comfortable and can
produce high quality eggs. By following these four simple steps to build
chicken coop which is knowing location
of your coop, build natural drainage, keep coop well ventilated and placed coop
in high area. By following these simple steps, your skill in building chicken
coop will be increase and your hen can produce high quality eggs and also
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