Thursday 31 January 2013

3 Reason Why Ventilation Is very Important While Build A Chicken Coops

Hello everybody. Today I want share about 3 reason why ventilation is very important structure while we building a chicken coops. The 3 points that I will discuss is remove dampness, remove ammonia fumes and ensure coop in normal temperature. I hope you all read this article until the end. Comment below if you have something to share. Enjoy!

Coop Ventilation
First of all, we will discuss about ventilation will removes dampness and humidity. For your information, while we breath, we produce a lot of water vapour. Same like chicken, they breath and produce water vapours. So, if we not provide a ventilation for the coop, the humidity levels in coop will increase. Research find that, if we live in high humidity levels room or something space, we will face susceptible to respiratory diseases and increases the chance of frostbite. So we need provide a ventilation for chicken coop, to avoid our hens get the diseases. Therefore, ventilation is important because the can stable humidity levels in coops and avoid our hens get respiratory disease and frostbite.

Next, we will discuss about ventilation can removes ammonia fumes. Ammonia gas usually extracts from poo ( chicken poo). We know that, there a lot of chicken poo in the coop so  the ammonia gas levels will increase right? Ammonia gas is very hazardous. It can cause subclinical damage to the tissue of the chicken. In addition, the ammonia gas also dangerous to human because it can damages our lung  tissues. So, ventilation is needed because they can remove ammonia gas to avoid it damages the tissues of our chicken and also human’s lung tissues.

Fully Ventilated Coop
Finally, we will discuss that ventilation will ensure coop in normal temperature. Like human, chicken also need a normal temperature which is 35 degree celcius to survive. Chicken bodies perform at maximum at that temperature which is 35 degree celcius. And if too hot, hens may die in the coop. So ventilation is needed to let air movement in and out from the coop to ensure the coop temperature stay at normal levels. Therefore, providing ventilation is necessary to ensure coops temperature stay at normal levels which is 35 degree celcius.

As the conclusion, this 3 point is clearly tell us why chicken coops ventilation is very important. Remove dampness, remove ammonia fumes and ensure coop in normal temperature is the point we must think while we want to build a chicken coops. That’s all for today. Comment below if you have something to share or to correct my mistakes.

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