Friday 11 January 2013

Easy Ways Build Chicken Coop

Thank you for approaching this article. I believe you looking information regarding step to build chicken coop .In this article, there mainly consists of 4 things that you really need to know which is location of your coop, build natural drainage, keep your coop well ventilated and placed coop in high area. After reading this article, you should be able to build chicken coop very well.

Firstly, know location of your coop. This step is very important because we want to know where the windows will be placed. Make sure your coop windows can receive sunlight because sunlight can shine through windows and give your hen warmth. Therefore, the best thing to do is to know where the location of your coop.

Secondly, build natural drainage. By building natural drainage, cleaning process it will be easy. Build small drain to flow your hen faeces. This way to ensure your hen healthy and can produce high quality eggs. So, make sure you build natural drainage for  your chicken coop.
Third, keep your coop well ventilated. Always make sure your chicken coop in dry position and avoid your chicken coop in moisture condition. If the condition of your chicken coop is too moist, it can lead ammonia accumulation and can cause your hen plagued with diseases. As a result, make sure your chicken coop well ventilated.

Lastly,  placed your chicken coop in high area. When your chicken coop placed in high area, it can protect  your chicken from danger such as predator like fox. It also can protect your chicken from flood. If you do this, you can save your cost to buy new chicken. Therefore, it is good to placed coop in high area.

Build a good coop will make your hen comfortable and can produce high quality eggs. By following these four simple steps to build chicken coop which is knowing  location of your coop, build natural drainage, keep coop well ventilated and placed coop in high area. By following these simple steps, your skill in building chicken coop will be increase and your hen can produce high quality eggs and also meats.

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