Saturday 26 January 2013

Planning Before You Start Build Your Own Chicken Coops

You are here because you are seeking about how to build a chicken coops. Todays, I want to share to you all for free, no charge about planning before build your chicken coops. Every activity need planning before we started it right? So planning for chicken coop is also important before you start to build it. Determine the size of coop, determine site for coops and portable or permanent chicken coop is several factor that we must give more attention before we start  to build chicken coops.

Planning Is The Key Of Success
In the beginning, we will discuss about determine the size of coops. Size of coop depend on how many hens you want to breed. If many, so you chicken coop must big and if small numbers of chicken you want to breed, so you need the small one. Therefore, determine the size of coop is very important before you start to build a chicken coops.

Next, determine site of your coops. Usually site for chicken coop we have to choice is high place and low place. Normally people choose high place because, if there has an extreme climates like flood, you can  protect your coop from the hazards.  But you also can choose at lower place. It depends on yourself. Choice high place or low place. Therefore, determine site of coop is one of the important planning before we start to build chicken coops.

After that, build portable or permanent coops. Portable coops means that your coops is moveable. We can put a  small wheel below the coops. The advantages of portable coop is you can move your chicken coop inside your house when you not at home. If you choose to build the permanent one, the coop will static, you cannot move it unless you destroy it first and build a new one. So, portable or permanent coop is one of the planning before we start to build the chicken coops.

As the conclusion, planning is very important before we start something, without planning, the works will not accomplished. Determine the size of coop, determine the site of coops and build a permanent or portable chicken coop is the plan that you must consider before you build your chicken coops. Thanks for reading this article. Comment below if you have some brilliant idea to shares.

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